The Consumer Protection Division of the Attorney General’s Office investigates complaints against professionals in various fields including healthcare. You can file a complain against a healthcare practitioner on this website.
Use this website to learn how to file a complaint.
Adult Protective Services investigates reports of abuse, neglect and exploitation of endangered adults in the community.
Aging In Place connects seniors, families, and caretakers with the information and professional support they need to make the best decision for their physical, emotional, and financial well being. The resources and network of experts help ensure your home evolves to best accommodate your changing budget, mobility, and health.
Use this website to learn about various programs in the state of Indiana to help elderly and disabled persons.
This will take you to the application for Indiana Medicaid.
Learn what Medicaid fraud is, how it affects you, and how to report it.
SHIP provides free unbiased health insurance information for seniors and pre-retirees. SHIP helps answer your questions about most types of insurance and provides tools and information to help you make decisions about your health insurance.
This will take you to the Medicare booklet with an explanation of the limits of Medicare benefits for nursing home care, a beneficiaries’ rights and protections and where to go to get help with questions.
The National Senior Citizens Law Center advocates nationwide to promote the independence and well-being of low-income elderly individuals and persons with disabilities. NSCLC advocates through litigation, legislative and agency representation, and assistance to attorneys and paralegals in field programs. NSCLC’s functions vary with the needs or their clients. NSCLC maintains a national reputation for professional quality and successful advocacy.
The Legal Aid Society is a nonprofit law firm that provides free civil legal assistance to low-income residents of Vanderburgh County.
ILS is a nonprofit law firm that provides free civil legal assistance to eligible low-income people throughout the state of Indiana. Among other issues, ILS can help clients with access to healthcare, access to government benefits, and preparation of Advance Directives (Power of Attorney, Appointment of Healthcare Representative, and Living Will).
This website provides information on quality care, resident rights and quality of life issues for nursing home residents. An easy to use map connects you to the key long-term care agencies in each state including citizen advocacy groups and their websites.
This website provides links to your state and local Ombudsman offices. Ombudsmen are resident advocates who work at both the state and regional level. Many Ombudsman programs sponsor websites with consumer information.
This website is dedicated to providing information, education, and support for persons and their family members who are afflicted with multiple sclerosis.
The Alzheimer Association is the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer research, care and support.
The National Institute on Aging leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and the extend to healthy, active years of life.
Music & Memory helps elders in care facilities suffering from a wide range of cognitive and physical challenges find renewed meaning and connection in their lives through the gift of personalized music. Henry, who suffered from dementia for nearly a decade and barely said a word to anyone-until Music & Memory set up an iPod program at his nursing home.
Most long-term care residents have very limited resources to spend on themselves. Whether it is the holidays, birthday or anytime, residents love gifts. Check out this list of some items your loved one might like to receive.
Loss or theft of your personal property is NOT an inevitable fact of life in a nursing home, and you do not have to accept it! For most residents, the only link to the past may be a few cherished posessions, so protecting these invaluable belongings is of great importance. This is a list of some things you can do to help protect your belongings.
AARP is a non-profit membership organization of persons 50 and older dedicated to addressing their needs and interests. This website offers a five-time preliminary check list about what consumers should look for when choosing a nursing home.
This website offers a step by step instruction on how to read a survey.
In an effort to make survey results more available and understandable, a summary and scoring system was created for presenting key survey results because survey results are technical in nature.
This website allows searching for long-term care facilities in Indiana by county.
This website provides basic information on nursing home facilities, bed count and census, survey results, state licensure actions and federal certification actions imposed. You may search for facilities by city or county in which the facility is located.
Nursing Home Compare is a federal government website run by the centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services. Consumers can search nursing home by state and research information on facility inspections (surveys) and quality measures.
Nursing Homes-A Guide for Medicaid Beneficiaries’ Families and Helpers is a guide that gives an overview of Medicaid nursing home coverage rules and services, information about how nursing home residents should be treated, and tips on what to do if your loved one is not treated well.. When a loved one enters a nursing home, it can be a stressful time. Knowing the general Medicaid eligibility rules and beneficiary rights can help you make informed decisions and may provide peace of mind. The guide concludes with tips on preventing beneficiary identity theft; information about fraud, waste, and abuse in the nursing home; and how to report them.
This link takes you to a fact sheet on the IPAS process. The IPAS program monitors nursing home admissions to insure that placements are appropriate. By state law all persons must participate in IPAS to be admitted to a nursing home in Indiana.
This official government booklet explains:
These regulations apply to Licensed Residential Facilities-more commonly known as Assisted Living Facilities.
For Nursing Home Regulations, view Subpart B. Assisted Living Facilities are regulated by the state only.
For Nursing Home Regulations, view Article 16.2 Rules 0.5 – 3.1.